EssaysSchwäbisch Alb Schwäbisch Alb Schwäbisch Alb shot with exposure ⅓ sec at f/14 on 09.07.21 shot with exposure 0,4 sec at f/11 on 11.07.21 shot with exposure 0,6 sec at f/11 on 11.07.21 shot with exposure ¹⁄₁₀₀ sec at f/11 on 10.07.21 shot with exposure ¹⁄₁₂₅ sec at f/11 on 10.07.21 shot with exposure ¼ sec at f/11 on 09.07.21 shot with exposure ⅓ sec at f/14 on 09.07.21 shot with exposure ¹⁄₄₀ sec at f/3,0 on 09.07.21 shot with exposure ¹⁄₃₀ sec at f/3,0 on 09.07.21 shot with exposure ¹⁄₁₂₅ sec at f/3,0 on 09.07.21 shot with exposure ¹⁄₁₀ sec at f/11 on 09.07.21 shot with exposure ¹⁄₂₅ sec at f/9,0 on 10.07.21 Blick vom Eppenzellfelsen auf die Burgruine Hohenurach shot with exposure ¹⁄₁₂₅ sec at f/13 on 09.07.21 g shot with exposure 0,6 sec at f/13 on 08.07.21 Die Elsach am Ausgang der Falkensteiner Höhle shot with exposure 0,8 sec at f/11 on 11.07.21 Falkensteinher Höhle shot with exposure ⅙ sec at f/11 on 11.07.21 Blick vom Eppenzellfelsen auf die Burgruine Hohenurach shot with exposure ⅙ sec at f/13 on 09.07.21