EssaysRuegen Ruegen Ruegen shot with exposure 1,3 sec at f/11 on 15.10.21 shot with exposure 1,0 sec at f/11 on 15.10.21 shot with exposure ¹⁄₁₅ sec at f/18 on 16.10.21 shot with exposure ¹⁄₁₅ sec at f/16 on 16.10.21 shot with exposure ⅕ sec at f/11 on 16.10.21 shot with exposure 13,0 sec at f/11 on 16.10.21 shot with exposure 4,0 sec at f/11 on 15.10.21 shot with exposure 3,0 sec at f/13 on 15.10.21 shot with exposure ¼ sec at f/8,0 on 15.10.21 shot with exposure ¹⁄₁₀₀ sec at f/1,4 on 15.10.21 shot with exposure 25,0 sec at f/11 on 14.10.21 shot with exposure ¹⁄₁₀₀ sec at f/1,4 on 14.10.21 shot with exposure 1,0 sec at f/11 on 15.10.21 shot with exposure 1,0 sec at f/11 on 15.10.21 shot with exposure 2,0 sec at f/13 on 15.10.21 shot with exposure 30,0 sec at f/11 on 14.10.21 shot with exposure 1,0 sec at f/11 on 15.10.21