EssaysLofoten Winter Lofoten Winter Lofoten Winter Robuer in Hamnoy zur blauen Stunde shot with exposure 30,0 sec at f/10 on 15.01.22 Blick auf Sorvagen shot with exposure 30,0 sec at f/11 on 15.01.22 Blick auf Sorvagen shot with exposure 15,0 sec at f/13 on 15.01.22 Hamnoy zur blauen Stunde shot with exposure 15,0 sec at f/5,6 on 16.01.22 Blick auf das Horn shot with exposure 2,5 sec at f/11 on 17.01.22 Reine shot with exposure 2,5 sec at f/9,0 on 17.01.22 Reine shot with exposure ¹⁄₈₀ sec at f/11 on 17.01.22 Fischerhütte am Rambergstrand shot with exposure 6,0 sec at f/11 on 17.01.22 Fischerhütte am Rambergstrand shot with exposure 8,0 sec at f/11 on 17.01.22 Skagsanden Strand shot with exposure 15,0 sec at f/11 on 17.01.22 Küste bei Reine shot with exposure 1,0 sec at f/8,0 on 19.01.22 Küste in der Nähe vom Stand Vik shot with exposure ¼ sec at f/8,0 on 19.01.22 Küste in der Nähe vom Stand Vik shot with exposure 0,5 sec at f/11 on 19.01.22 Küste in der Nähe vom Stand Vik shot with exposure 0,8 sec at f/11 on 19.01.22 Uttakleiv Küstenlandschaft shot with exposure ¹⁄₁₃ sec at f/8,0 on 19.01.22 Haus bei Sorvagen shot with exposure 3,0 sec at f/11 on 20.01.22 Region Hamnoy shot with exposure 1,3 sec at f/11 on 20.01.22 Winter in Hamnoy shot with exposure ⅙ sec at f/11 on 20.01.22 Winter in Hamnoy shot with exposure ¹⁄₂₅ sec at f/11 on 20.01.22 Winter in Hamnoy shot with exposure ¹⁄₂₀ sec at f/11 on 20.01.22 shot with exposure 0,5 sec at f/11 on 20.01.22 Einsame Hütte am Rolvsfjord shot with exposure ¹⁄₅₀ sec at f/8,0 on 21.01.22 Fischerhütte auf Gimsoy shot with exposure ¹⁄₁₀ sec at f/11 on 21.01.22 Fischerhütte auf Gimsoy shot with exposure ¹⁄₁₀ sec at f/11 on 21.01.22 Fischerhütte auf Gimsoy shot with exposure ¹⁄₄₀ sec at f/11 on 21.01.22 Leuchtfeuer bei Svolvaer shot with exposure 0,8 sec at f/8,0 on 21.01.22 Leuchtfeuer bei Svolvaer shot with exposure 25,0 sec at f/11 on 21.01.22 shot with exposure 1,0 sec at f/11 on 22.01.22 Küstenlandschaft Uttakleiv shot with exposure 0,6 sec at f/11 on 22.01.22 shot with exposure 1,3 sec at f/11 on 22.01.22 Das Auge von Uttakleiv shot with exposure 1,0 sec at f/11 on 22.01.22 Das Auge von Uttakleiv shot with exposure 0,8 sec at f/11 on 22.01.22 Küstenlandschaft am Strand von Uttakleiv shot with exposure 2,5 sec at f/10 on 22.01.22 Küstenlandschaft am Strand von Uttakleiv shot with exposure 8,0 sec at f/11 on 22.01.22 Küstenlandschaft am Strand von Uttakleiv shot with exposure 2,0 sec at f/11 on 22.01.22 Leuchtfeuer von Eggum shot with exposure 13,0 sec at f/11 on 22.01.22 Leuchtfeuer von Eggum shot with exposure 1,6 sec at f/3,2 on 22.01.22